用英语简述外贸流程 Export trade processes-to 2007-08-16 16:38 1.Receipt of order:XX Trade Company after the receipt of customer orders,customer orders should be translated into orders for the company;2.Orders review:XX Company Trade Department is responsible for organizing the company,products,goods seized and the Department of the Ministry staff to carry out assessment of customer orders,the main assessment of issues,including product features and quality requirements,production capacity,packaging requirements and delivery dates;3.The signing of sales contract:XX Trade Company in accordance with orders for the production of a sales contract offer,signed and sealed by the customer return the first,and then signed by the company official seal;4.The preparation of export plans:XX company produces according to the Ministry of Trade,the preparation of the production plan the development of export plans,the production department if the change in production plans,the company shall promptly notify the Ministry 。
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