英语作文 我的家乡 My hometownMy hometown is in zhenzhou city china,There are a lot of people live here,It's a famous city.The people are very friendly.The climate here is very pleasant.My hometown has different seasons,spring.summer.autumn and winter.I like the spring,because flowers are very beautiful,the weather is very sunny,what a lovely spring days。i hate cold weather,so i don't like winter.we have a lot of rain in autumn,this is my favoures seasons,in this seasons,we can see many different colors,i love the colors of the trees-red,gold,yellow and brown.fairly cool for this time of years。summer is always hot,It's quit muggy in summer.My hometown has different food,the food is excellent and quit cheap,It's doesn't pollute.In the restaurant,you can enjoy good service and delicious food.welcome you to my hometown travel。
我的家乡有哪些建筑物三年级作文300字 我家乡名副其实建筑物圣闻名世界古建筑实用、漂亮现代建筑许、许靠勤劳双手创造伟奇观数胜数让看眼花缭乱
作文《美丽的音乐喷泉》 要求:写揭阳榕江的音乐喷泉,小学五年级水平,200字左右。 “到点了,音乐喷泉要来了。人群不知是谁欢快地叫了起来。话音刚落,只见半空中传来悠扬的乐曲声,喷泉“唰”的一下,扭动优美的舞姿把水花向四处甩,五彩的灯光从水池中向水花照射着。顿时,喷泉的水柱,水花呈现出多种色彩。有时是橙红色的十分耀眼,洒下来的水花形成了雾,如同一抹抹红霞;有时是碧绿色的,形成一幕翡翠珠帘;有时是紫色的、玫瑰红的,朦朦胧胧,水花、柱形成了一位位神秘的魔法师;有时又是宝蓝色的,好似仙女给观众们捧上成千上万颗宝石。过了一会儿,乐曲声一下子激昂起来,喷泉的声音如雷贯耳,淹没了人们的欢笑声,水柆一蹿而上,形成了十几米高的墙,水花从半空抛洒下来,有的成了美丽的烟花,有的像碎金子撒落下来。忽然,乐曲声嘎然而止,喷泉也好像紧急刹车,最后一股水花“啪”的一下摔成千万锭银子。最美的要数左右两旁荷花形的喷泉笼头了,不住地旋转,一会儿把水花耍得像水晶花复,一会儿把水花耍得像一位位敦煌飞天美女,舞动着轻纱,流光溢彩,看得我们都如痴如醉…