擎天柱的语音 求变形金刚1开头擎天柱所说的英文台词


擎天柱每一部最后说的话 第一部:希望其他汽车人能够归入擎天柱下面对敌人。62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333433626462第二部:希望他的故事能传入后代。第三部:希望保护地球。第四部:希望不要惹地球人的麻烦。擎天柱是变形金刚历史上最为重要的角色。他的形象贯穿于整部动画的始终,具有深远的影响力。关于他的许多剧集均是动画的经典之作,一句“汽车人,变形出发”更是成为了每一位变形金刚迷最为熟悉的话语。扩展资料:900万年前,古老的塞伯坦大战爆发之时,擎天柱还只是一名叫奥利安·派克斯的普通变形金刚。善良的他单纯地认为战争是遥远的事,与自己无关,并且盲目的崇拜着威震天。但当威震天真出现在他面前时,带给他的却只有屠杀,他和他的朋友都倒在威震天的枪下。重伤的他幸而被意外回到过去的飞行太保所救,并被钛师傅改造成擎天柱。认清霸天虎凶残本质的他在往后的战斗中成长,最终继承了领导模块,成为了汽车人领袖。身为领袖,他以过人的智慧和勇敢屡屡挫败威震天的诡计,也深得部下的爱戴。在2005年的大战中,擎天柱在救援地球汽车人城的战斗中重伤牺牲。在2010年疯狂症蔓延全宇宙的危急时刻,五面怪将其复活。至2011年的第二次大战,为维护塞伯坦矢量坐标的。

求变形金刚1开头擎天柱所说的英文台词 Before time began,there was the Cube.We know not where it comes from,only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life.That is how our race was born.For a time,we lived in harmony,but like all great power,some wanted it for good,others for evil.And so began the war,a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death,and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space.We scattered across the galaxy,hoping to find it and rebuild our home,searching every star,every world.And just when all hope seemed lost,message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.But we were already too late.满意请采纳哦62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333335333032~

求变形金刚中擎天柱的所有台词,中英文都要,谢谢啦 Optimus Prime:At the end of the day,one shall stand,one shall fall。2113 擎5261天柱:就在今天,让我们4102一决高下吧,不是你1653死,就是我亡!Optimus Prime:A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet.We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes.It's been an honor serving with you all.Autobots,ROLL OUT。擎天柱:为了给这个星球带来和平,这点牺牲是必要的。我们不能让这些人类来承担我们所犯错误的后果。跟你们大伙儿一起(战斗)是我的荣耀。汽车人,变形出发!Optimus Prime:They deserve to choose for themselves。擎天柱:这该由他们自己来选择!Optimus Prime:With the Allspark gone,we cannot return life to our planet.And fate has yielded its reward,a new world to call home.We live among its people now,hiding in plain sight,but watching over them in secret.waiting,protecting.I have witnessed their capacity for courage and though we are worlds apart,like us,there's to them than meets the eye.I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the 。


