少出门勤洗手戴口罩的英文 勤洗手少出门用英语怎么说?


疫情期间,除了少出门,勤洗手,戴口罩,还有哪些方法可以做防护? 坚持适当锻炼来提高自身免疫力、同时养成良好生活作息习惯!浏览次数:1031 扫一扫 最满意答案 坚持适当锻炼来提高自身免疫力、同时养成良好生活作息习惯!。

少聚集戴口罩勤洗手的意义是什么? 首先这次新冠疫情是人传人的,通过唾液飞溅到空气传播给他人,所以要戴口罩;手上带有病原体触碰到人体黏膜比如眼睛和伤口或者口鼻上的黏膜就会被传染,勤洗手就可以避免这种情况发生;因为有很多在潜伏期的人他自己都不知道,所以自己在家呆着,少接触他人,被传染的几率就变的小了。家里也要多通风。

求一篇关于雾霾的英语作文80词左右要有不出门少开窗,饮食清淡多喝水,戴口罩,勤洗手脸, Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog.Everything around disappeared from oursight.Some highways were closed.Traffic jams were commonly seen in the street.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breath.As a result,local hospitals were crowd with people who had problems with noses and lungs.Part of the cause was the dry weather,but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.Personally I don't get many health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant chance we really have to do protect our environment.To live a better life we have to push on with the economy,but it would be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air

