作文:春天 描写拉那提草原的句子


那拉提草原 作文 那拉提草原—国家森林公园,位于北疆西部,伊犁地区东端。新源境内东西长约200公里,南北宽约40公里,总面积为10万亩,经营面积达6025公顷,海拔1600-3000米。自古以来就是著名的牧场,交错的河道、平展的河谷、高峻的山峰、茂密的森林交相辉映,令人流连往返。来到那拉提草原,只见远处是连绵起伏的绿色,群山层次分明,一层叠着一层。近处的原野上,轻轻的覆盖着一层薄薄的,紫莹莹的野花,或许还夹杂着些白色的,在风的节奏中不断地点头。无论什么时候都能看见成群的牛羊在安详的嚼着青草,悠然自得;厚厚的草丛中开辟出几条窄窄的马道,哈萨克族牧民骑在马上,手握着缰绳,自由徜徉,时而还哼上一曲牧歌!我们打算骑着马观光,于是就在马队里挑马,我挑的那匹马高大结实,四肢健壮,一双温柔友好的大眼睛似乎期待着我成为它的小主人,又黑又长的尾巴不停地左右甩动,驱赶着蚊虫。由于时间关系,我们只能骑一小时马,心中不免有些遗憾。一路上绿草如茵,又稠又密,还点缀着五颜六色的小野花,像一块毛绒绒的花地毯。牧民说马从不吃这些绿的要流下来的的草,因为,这些是给大家观赏的,如果马吃了,会影响到那拉提草原的风景。哦,这里不仅牧民热情好客,就连马儿也如此善。

那拉提草原英文简介 West when the legend of Genghis Khan,Mongolia has an army from the depths of the Tianshan moving to Ili,at a time of spring,the mountains are filled with snow,hunger and cold so grueling army,do not want to turn the mountains,flowers in front of it is a tapestry The vast grassland,spring clouds,flowing water features,as if into another world,when Yunkai sunrise,sunset such as blood,it is not the shouting\"那拉5261提41021653(there is the sun),那拉提\"then left the names.那拉提grassland development in section 3 are ancient alluvial layer Ji Zhongshan to pasture on the southeast then那拉提kaolinite,such as potential barriers along the Northwest River Valley kunas drop-off,large-area terrain tilt,spring clouds,streams China.Fate the foot deep gullies,rivers crisscrossing the dense forests,wilderness outreach ease ups and downs along the ditch松塔Qing-chu,毡房have little herd clouds moving kunas grasslands are an important summer pasture.那拉提Scenic Area is located in the new 。



