尽量少出门英文怎么说? 尽量少出门英文可以表达为Try to go out as little as possibleyou should avoid going out too much
把带口罩少出门避免去人多的地方戴口罩等等之类的自我防护的英文句子怎么写? 把带口罩2113少出门 Wear masks and stay indoors unless necessary.避免去5261人多的地方 Never go to crowded places.回家勤4102洗手:Wash hands frequently upon returning to home.保持1米距离1653:Keep one-meter distance from other people.
我们避免去公共场合尽量不要出门,出门之前必须做好防护,如戴口罩,用英语怎么? 我们2113避免去公共场合5261尽量不要出门,出门之前必4102须做好防1653护,如戴口罩We saw avoid going to do public place and try not to go out.你must protect ourselves before going out,such as wearing mark.