八十天环游地球 故事概括 要英语的 80天环游地球的英文介绍


急求 八十天环游地球的英文简介~~最好中英文都有~ The eighty days earth\"is a famous French science fiction writer Jules verne,an important work.The book is about a gentleman fogg because in improving the bet with long-time club,but since leaving London,with 80 days time travel around earth week story.The way he unfortunate mistaken for stealing the bank of England,Scotland Yard are wanted,pursuing.Then he and his servant road leads to overcome the journey of heavy dangers and difficulties,pass a Mediterranean,red sea,Indian and Pacific,Atlantic ocean,and places of India,Singapore,China,Japan,the United States,etc.In a circle and practice earth ring back to London,but late first room for five minutes,he avowed failure,but again accidentally win-so he from west to east around the earth,using a week just to save a day of jet lag time。Falk's wit,courage and perseverance are represented the perfect gentleman manner,finally embrace get beauty be-he saved a buried alive in India the rajah wife.The author craftsmanship,layout is clever,with 。

《80天环游地球》简介 1872年10月2日,2113菲利亚·福格以巨额赌注同朋5261友们打了个赌:在80天内环游地球一周。当晚,4102他就带1653了法国籍仆人万事通离开伦敦,开始了这次不寻常的旅行。这件事轰动了全国,甚至在股票市场上也出现了福格股票。在福格出发后的第7天,由于出了一桩完全料想不到的事,使福格股票一文不值。原来英国国家银行失窃了一笔巨款,苏格兰侦探费克斯发现福格的特征同警察局调查出来的窃贼的外貌特点一模一样。福格不为挫折所困,经精确计算时间,准时到达苏伊士后,又乘船到达印度,在孟买到加尔各答的途中救下了即将被殉葬的印度年轻寡妇艾娥达。他们搭乘邮船到了香港,而费克斯此时仍没收到警方的拘票。为此,费克斯用鸦片麻醉路路通,企图拖延时间。福格还是赶到了日本,并与路路通在这里不期而遇。而后几经周折,穿越了北美大陆,眼看胜利在望,费克斯却以“女皇政府的名义”逮捕了福格。后因真正的窃贼已于3天前被捕而释放了福格。待福格赶到伦敦,比预定时间迟了5分钟,而后又发现由于是一直向东旅行,无形中赢得一天时间,福格终于获得了胜利,也得到了年轻、美貌、可爱的艾娥达的爱情。作者:凡尔纳一生创作了大量优秀的文学作品,以《在已知和未知的。

