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英语翻译 Along with the rapid development of Chinese economy,Chinese luxury market potential is tremendous.More and foreign luxury industry into the emerging luxury consumer market.With the deepening of the research and practice on luxury industry in China,and the prospects of the development trend of the relevant theories arise.Based on the simple introduction of luxury industry after industry is expounded,the luxury in China's development present situation,the problems,the Chinese luxury market and defects of the shallow.The luxury industry development strategy in China.Finally the luxury industry in China's development prospects.我可是高人。

跪求一篇对英国风俗人文的【英语】小作文,(100~200字).急.急.给个答复嘛. When the British met each other for the first time,they usually shake hands.In addition to the men and women,walk in love generally don't hand in hand.The British don't like others to interfere with their personal life.When you go to visit a British person,first in the door knocking at the door,he said\"please wait until into\",to get in.Gentlemen came into the room,took off his hat and ladies are not in indoor hat off.The British in daily life often talk about the topic of the weather,and is often the first topic.Lady first and a gentleman:in Britain,the respect women is to reflect the gentleman poise is an important aspect.Lady first is a well-known standards of behaviour.Washroom and to\"no.100\":the bathroom the meaning of the word for hand washing or wash a face of place,but the actual meaning is the toilet,British people to the toilet when will not say straight out\"to go to the toilet\".If you would like to go to the toilet,may say\"to man's room\",or\"to the woman's room\",also say。

英语,英语。 1.in是通过…交通工具的意思,He said he had been to Dalian before in a car?他说他以前乘坐小气车去过大连.2.version:我们希望看到一个完成的队伍,但仅仅只是来了五个选手.show up出现3.我喜欢一个人阅读自己的论文,不喜欢沉迷于购物.hang out沉迷于…4.get into trouble 是指动作,指陷入麻烦中He is got into trouble by her.她使他陷入了麻烦.in trouble 是指状态,指在麻烦的状态中He has been in trouble recently.他最近烦事缠身.5.因为dress up as是一个固定短语,习惯用法


