英语翻译 Hello:about our proposed this batch of goods return single price.Does the period,we have greatly even lose money,also unable to keep up with somebody else's wages.Workers dingzhu are high,low to do first,after doing even how punctual?This is our troubles.1073 107.4#,we lose,we put forward at the mark-up is used to add in wages to hurry delivery,doesn't give you the translation commission.Please forgive,thanks.英语翻译 不要意思让你久等了.Sorry I keep you waiting这个价格你们可以接受吗?Can you accept this price?希望我们合作愉快.Hope we can cooperate happily(pleasantly)如果你接受我们的价格这句话用英语怎么说 If you are willing to accept our price英语翻译 1.This is our first-time cooperation,so the price is the lowest with the hope of a long-term cooperation.2.He always lies to us.3.I never lie to you./I never cheat you.4.He is sleeping.5.You are reall.请教这句话英语怎么说下面是我们的报价,供您参考. 英语翻译 I am afraid this is our lowest price.If there is any chance that we bring down the price,we will inform you.The reason why we want to use EMS is that other expresses require us to show our certificat.请教这句话英语怎么说 翻译如下:The following is the price we offered,for your referrence.英语翻译 我们是以每公斤来计算价格的 英语怎么说 We are denominated by per kg.
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