水仙情英文 水仙花英文的来历


缪斯女神的英文怎么写 Musehttp://baike.baidu.com/view/404116.htm第六感女神,又名缪斯女神缪斯女神实际上是天神宙斯的九个女儿,这九个女神在希腊神话中被称为缪62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333433636130斯女神,每人分管从绘画到音乐等诸多艺术中的一种,这些女神最能激发艺术家创作灵感。缪斯女神是希腊神话中,九位掌管诗词、歌曲、舞蹈、历史等女神的称呼,一般也作为对诗人的雅称。塞其实是缪斯的另一种译法”(一塌糊涂的翻译)。缪斯(希腊文Μουσαι,拉丁文muses)是古希腊神话中科学、艺术女神的总称,为主神宙斯与记忆女神谟涅摩叙涅所生。缪斯女神的数目不定,有三女神之说,亦有九女神之说。缪斯女神生于奥林波斯山麓的彼埃里亚,时常漫游于赫利孔山和帕尔纳索斯山(均为古希腊的名山)。她们经常在奥林波斯山群神宴饮时载歌载舞;她们是歌手和乐师的技艺传授者和庇护者,并赋予诗人和歌唱者以艺术灵感,因此尤受文学家和诗人的尊崇。艺术女神(themuses)宙斯和泰坦mnemosyne的女儿们,共有九人;亦称为缪斯或庇厄利亚的女神们(pierides),因她们生于庇厄利亚地方。她们是卡拉培(calliope,雄辩和叙事诗),克利欧(clio,历史),乌拉妮娅(urania,天文),梅。

求水仙花的来历英文版,谢谢谢谢 One day when Narcissus was out hunting stags,Echo stealthily followed the handsome youth through the woods,longing to address him but unable to speak first.When Narcissus finally heard footsteps and shouted\"Who's there?Echo answered\"Who's there?And so it went,until finally Echo showed herself and rushed to embrace the lovely youth.He pulled away from the nymph and vainly told her to leave him alone.Narcissus left Echo heartbroken and she spent the rest of her life in lonely glens,pining away for the love she never knew,until only her voice remained.Nemesis heard this prayer and sent Narcissus his punishment.He came across a deep pool in a forest,from which he took a drink.As he did,he saw his reflection for the first time in his life and fell in love with the beautiful boy he was looking at,not realizing it was himself.Eventually,after pining away for a while,he realized that the image he saw in the pool was a reflection of himself.Realizing that he could not act upon this。

林子祥简介以及他的歌曲 林子祥(George Lam,1947年10月12日-),昵称阿Lam,香港出生,是香港著名歌手和演员。林子祥曾就读于拔萃男书院及英国Dover College,学生时期曾组织乐队,1976年推出首。


