英文版兰州介绍 兰州市第一人民医院英语怎么写


英文版兰州介绍 Lanzhou,capital of Gansu Province,is a major stop on the ancient\"Silk Road\"west of Xi'an.Situated on the upper reaches of the Yellow River,Lanzhou has been important for thousands of years because of the Hexi Corridor,or“Corridor West of the Yellow River,”in which early Chinese civilization began.About 3,000 years ago,in the Zhou Dynasty,agriculture began to take shape in the basins of the Jin and Wei Rivers that formed the corridor,marking the beginning of the great Yellow River basin civilization.甘肃省省会兰州是西安西部古代“丝绸之路”的主要站点。兰州位于黄河上游,由于河西走廊或“黄河西岸”,中国早期的文明开始,它已经成千上万年。大约3000年前,在周代,形成走廊的金河和渭河流域的农业开始形成,标志着黄河流域大文明的开始。Starting in the Qin Dynasty,merchants and traders traveling from Xi'an to central Asia and then on to the Roman Empire,or the other way round,broke their long journey at Lanzhou.To protect this corridor and important communications hub,the Great Wall was 。

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翻译成英语“兰州人民医院” 兰州人民医院The people's hospital of Lanzhou


