最强的 抗自由基的食品是? 最强的氧自由基是什么


氧气强还是两个氧自由基强 正常情况下,参与代谢的氧大多数与氢结合生成水,然而有4-5%的氧将被酶所催化形成超氧阴离子,后者又可形成过氧化氢,它们都属于自由基.自由基有多种,如氧自由基和羟自由基

英语翻译 Lycopene is a natural pigment contained in plants.It is mainly found in the matured fruits of the Solanaceae plant,tomato.It is currently the most powerful antioxidant discovered in nature.Science evidence shows that,singlet oxygen and oxygen free radical in the human body,are the primary factor that invades the human's natural immunization system.The effect of Lycopene in clearing oxygen free radical is much greater than other kinds of carotene and vitamine E.It's rate constant in exterminating singlet oxygen is 100 times that of regular vitamine E.It can effectively in prevent aging,and other illnesses created by a dropping of immunity.Therefore,it is at the attention of many specialists across the world.全手翻.希望能帮到你^

细胞中那种活性氧的氧化能力最强? 羟自由基(OH)最为活泼,可直接作用于脂肪形成脂类过氧化物ROOH。


