美少女的谎言 第一季 mp4 谁有美剧《美少女的谎言》第一季的下载链接啊?有的麻烦发一个,小弟在此谢过了~


美少女的谎言第一季第十五集,9分钟左右时候的插曲,谁知道是什么啊? Hey Na Na by Katie HerzigAria invites Ezra to a Basia Goldsmith art exhibit.Leave It All Behind by Allie MossEzra surprises Aria with a limo for their date and Hanna is released from detention.Ella has problems with her car not starting.Redeeming Love by Amy StroupAria and Ezra take a break from the art exhibit and kiss on the front steps of the museum.Heal for the Honey by Brooke WaggonerAria tells Hanna about her date with Ezra and Emily swims alone in the RHS pool.Get Ready by The DaylightsEmily beats her teammate,Paige,in a practice for freestyle swim.那集就这几首插曲了,由于没有场景描述,只能你自己找一找了~

美少女的谎言(Pretty Little Liars)第一季的第19集,Toby(托比)和Spencer(斯宾塞) (1)Two at a Time-Shelly Fraley(2)Woman-Band of Thieves(3)Hey Hey-Band of Thieves(4)So What-Pink(5)Breathe-Rowan(6)Glitter In the Air-Pink(7)You Are-The Daylights(8)Moth’s Wings-Passion Pit你自己2113听吧、反正5261就是这几4102首里的其中1653一个。

美剧 美少女的谎言 第一部 是的目前就到第十集.这个片子第一季有22集.先订了10集,后来续订了12集.很遗憾,后面的12集据说要明年1月才开播了.

