我的家乡是成都作文英语作文 我的家乡-成都。 作文。 急


求一篇英语作文,我的家乡十年来的变化? Dalian is my hometown.It’s a pretty city in the northeast of China,and it has a population of 5.3 million people.It’s on the coast.It has modern seaport and airport.It is known as the“pearl in the north”.Its scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that travelers all over the world come to visit it.it’s famous for the seafood,the football team and the International Fashion Festival.Shanghai is the biggest city which lies on the east coast of China.It’s on the River Chang Jiang,too.It’s older,bigger and busier than Dalian.The buildings are taller and population is over twice larger than that of Dalian-13 million.The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold.Lots of places of interest attract visitors from other countries all the year round.I would like to work there to make money when I grow up.It’s one of the largest trade centers in the world.

大哥大姐些,《我的家乡成都》英语的,字不要多。80字就够了,快,求你们了 My hometown-ChengDu ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.Chengdu has large amounts of tourist sp.

我的家乡-成都。 作文。 急 成都小学生作文:游成都收藏本文到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网搜藏空间更多>;>;我的家乡成都四川省成都 中育实验小学四年级五班 涂艺伟 我的家乡-成都,现又以经济开放名闻遐迩。她钟灵毓秀,物产丰富,经济发达,令人向往。她历史悠远,文化流长,人才辈出,是一方神圣的文化宝地.家乡的青城山,令人流连忘返。它风景如画,烟雾变幻,不仅是饱青城山风光的最佳去处,而且是一座富有中国传统文化内涵的名山。站在顶峰,无限风光尽收眼底。家乡不仅充满了湖光山色的自然美,而且洋溢着现代化的气息。成都工业城拔地而起,高新开发区别墅幢幢,商业城里门庭若市。东大街两旁高楼林立,栉比排列,大有与天公试比高的气势。大楼上彩旗迎风招展,向你展示着当代成都的活力。走在街上,车辆如梭,行人如流,琳琅满目的商品令你眼花缭乱,目不瑕接。听!学校里每天书声琅琅,不知为祖国培育出多少人才啊!看!精神焕发的老人们相约在公园里跳舞、打太极拳,舒适地享受着晚年的欢愉生活。瞧!家庭主妇们兴致勃勃地学起英语、电脑,为更好地投身于家乡的建设积蓄力量…今天,家乡乘着改革的春风飞速前进。在党的好政策的引领下,在家乡人民的奋斗下,在侨胞们的热情关怀。


