这个工作既有挑战性又吸引人 英文翻译

急求一篇英语翻译,好的追加分 As I walked across the campus of Pittsburgh' s Carnegie Mellon University,I came upon a table filled with young people chatting and enjoying the fine weather.Several had identical blue T – shirts with“Trilogy@CMU”written across them.Trilogy,an Austin,Texas-based software company,had a reputation for recruiting(招聘)our top students.I walked over to the table.\"Are you guys here to recruit?I asked.\"No,\"they replied firmly.\"We're not recruiters.We're just hanging out with friends.\"How interesting,I thought.They've come to campus on a workday,all the way from Austin,just to hang out with friends.我在匹兹堡卡耐基梅隆大学散步的时候,遇到一群年轻人坐在桌子边,晒着太阳,聊着天。有几个人穿着统一的蓝T-恤,上面写着“Trilogy@CMU”。Trilog公司以招聘优秀毕业生出名,是德克萨斯州奥斯丁的一个软件公司。我走到那张桌子前面问:“你们是来招聘的吗?“不是”他们很认真的回答,“我们不是招聘人员。我们只是和朋友出来玩的”我觉得这太有意思了。他们在工作时间从奥斯丁过来到校园里,只是为了和朋友闲逛。... 翻译!~~急!!~~~英语翻译!~~ I want to be lawyers from the ideal from the pursuit of justice.Justice is the\"Law on the things of God and the knowledge,is about justice and injustice of science.\"(1)lawyers that the door is the achievement of justice for the professional career of value orientation,the lawyers must perform their duties honestly,to safeguard Social order and improve the legal system work.(2)\"lawyers are in their professional knowledge to provide legal services to the community of liberal professions.Counsel is a very attractive job.The work of lawyers is challenging,the individual requirements of high capacity and become an outstanding lawyer,is no doubt Their own development,self-realization of the signs. An outstanding lawyer,first of all should have a good expression.This is a must-lawyers,the most basic and obvious quality.Including oral expression and written expression. 吸引人的的英语翻译 吸引人的用英语怎么说 “吸引人的”的英文是attractive和absorbing。一、英[?'tr?kt?v],美[?'tr?kt?v] adj.有吸引力的;有魅力的副词:attractively,名词:attractiveness 例句:Ice-cream is attractive to children. 翻译:冰淇淋对孩子们非常有吸引力。短语: 1、attractive boy 英俊的男孩 2、attractive figure 迷人的身材二、absorbing 英[?b's??b??],美[?b's??rb??] adj.吸引人的;非常有趣的动词absorb的现在分词例句:This new novel is an absorbing family saga. 翻译:这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。短语: 1、absorbing well 吸水井 2、absorbing layer 吸收层扩展资料: attractive的用法 1、attractive的基本意思是“有吸引力的”,用于人时指外表“性感的,妩媚的,英俊的,诱人的”;用于物或地方时指“漂亮的,有吸引力的”;用于事物时指“引起兴趣的,有诱惑力的”。attractive还可表示“吸引的”,常用于修饰force,power等抽象名词。2、attractive在句中可用作定7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431376638语、表语和宾语补足语。作“吸引的”解时不用于比较等级。3、attractive接介词to引起的短语可表示“对.有吸引力”。 英语翻译 1.You needn't persuade me to apply for the job because I don't think it suits me.2.I'm sure you wil 把下列五个句子翻译成英文 1 do you have previous experience of designers?2 of the main attractions of the job Connie is to have the chance to work abroad.3 the young engineer at the meeting yesterday presenteda very good proposal.4 Prince andhis wife were sitting in the car, “这份工作最吸引我的是有旅游的机会”英文翻译 what most attracted me to the job was the chance to travel 英语翻译 1.Is there any other person who is suitable for 2.marks the beginning of his splendid endeavor3.attracted many people' attention4.She tried her best in the ballet training5.The gamd of the World Cup w. 帮我用英语翻译一下:“我认为你还是去内地好,你是个喜欢挑战的人,外面的世界或许更吸引你。”这句。 I think that if you go to mainland,you will be better.you are a people like challenge.The outside world may be attractiver for you!能不能采纳我的,谢谢 英语翻译 1.You needn't persuade me to apply for the job because I don't think it suits me. 2.I'm sure you will be deeply attracted by the scenery along the banks of the Li River. 3.It's time that we took actions to protect the Great Wall.(必须用took,虚拟语气). 求翻译,英语 导游的角色导游就是带着旅游团从一个地方到另一个地方的人,确保旅行过程中的所有事情顺畅。他或她要照顾到旅店服务,吃饭,车辆运输,旅游景点订票,等等。始终保证旅行团成员轻松,享受旅程。领队的角色领队是旅游业中最具吸引力和挑战的角色,领队是高收入、吸引人的职业。它可以塑造一个人的品格,挑战一个人的能力。一个好的领队所使用的取悦和管理人的方法是具有魅力的、卓越的、令人兴奋的。他或她是合约的最初签订者,也是他或她所管理团队的指导者。因此重要的是我们所有的领队需要具备每一个景点丰富的历史、地理、文化知识。特别是现在的游客见多识广,因此领队对于各景点的知识也要更新。


