英语作文:你的爸爸、妈妈分别是做什么工作的?他们每天怎样上下班? 你能告诉我你爸爸是做什么工作的吗英语


请告诉我这9句话用英语怎么说? 2.Your dad?He is very good。Your dad?3.He is also very good。Thank you.4.How is it going with you?5.What's new?No。6 what does she do?7.What are your father work?8Aunt Mary is and what work do?9.The clas.

我爸爸的工作是什么,用英语怎么说 What is my father's job?

“我是你爸爸”用英语怎么说? “我2113是你爸爸”用英语:I'm your father.;I am your daddy。例句:如果我5261是你爸爸,我就给4102你这笔钱。Were I your father,I would give you the money.他坐在父亲的大腿上会1653说:“你要知道我是你爸爸。He would sit on his lap and say,“You know I’m your daddy.杰父:杰茜卡,我是你爸爸。告诉我们他在那里。马上!Jessica' s Dad:Jessica,this is your father.Tell us where he is,right this minute。我是你爸爸,你在做什么啊,怎么好久都没有看到你了。I am your father,you do ah,how long did not see you.我去看的原因是「我是你爸爸」(我第一次看他们演出的舞台剧)让人印象深刻。I went to it because I Am Your Dad,the first play I watched by them,was impressive.亚弗纳:嘿,宝物我是你爸爸,这个声音,亲爱的…别忘了我的声音是什么样的,行吗?Avner:Hey,sweetheart,this is your papa…this my voice,mydarling dont forget what I soundlike,okay?砰砰,我是你爸爸,宝宝在里面吗?Knock,knock,this is Daddy speaking.Is my baby in there?门外传来商人的说话声:“开门,开门啊,我是你爸爸。Come on,open up,it's your。


