为什么同性恋的英文词为Gay? 毛小姐 英语


一般就用10fen表示一角的,比如10fen 请问 用英语说1毛钱 的那个单位 一毛是怎么说的?不要告诉我是0.5元。比如这个东西比那个东西便宜5毛钱。怎么用英语说?。

英语翻译 My family has a dog,he was very lovely,golden hair roller skating like a comb it is also very clever Whenever strangers access it will Wang,barking to ask is a very picky eaters do not eat pork but it's oh,every time I came home and it will go onto the road I take particular,I eat it all when it those will be issued spreading arrogance voice eyes will reveal a gentle radiance seems that the master,I like you better Oh,I really like my good home doggies A yellow。

哪位大哥(大姐,小姐)能帮我翻译一下下文 将中文翻译成英文: in 1861 the Civil War erupted the eve,Tala manor's daughter Miss the Si beautiful woman has fallen in love with another manorial lord son Athey ritual,but the Athey ritual has actually chosen own younger female cousin-gentle good Gui Ranney for the life companion.The Si beautiful woman stems from the hate,forestalled to marry has given Gui Ranney's Brother Charles.Soon,the US Civil War erupted.The Athey ritual and Charles took in the conscription the front.Charles very quick died in the war.The Si beautiful woman has become the widow,but her innermost feelings actually have been being in love the Ashe ritual.one day,at a hold charity bazaar's dance party,Si beautiful woman and elegant bearing merchant Ruite acquaintance.Ruite starts to pursue the Si beautiful woman,but encounters her rejection.The Si beautiful woman was thinking wholeheartedly only pursues the Athey ritual,the result is also rejected.in the war,south US the armed forces encountered the defeat,in the Atlanta 。

#毛小姐 英语

