付款管理办法 The payment policing methodpays money the management for the standard company,draws up this means especially.First,this means standard payment content including the loans payment(including tax money,similarly hereinafter),the sale refunds money,the expense payment and so on,\"Does not reimburse Policing method including Expense\"to stipulate reimburses the payment and the fixed asset,the low value expendable items purchase examination and approval.Second,the loans payment examines and approves1,the payment loans by applies for the department basis the inventory contract which examines and approves(agreement)to fill in the system respectively“the payment application slip”(triplicate copy),and will concern the project fill in and list to be complete.2nd,import,domestic trade service examination and approval:A,by applies for the department to manage the personnel and the department owners signs,manages the verification and financial manager after the finance signs,every single pen 。
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