我比你胖,但我比你高用英语怎么说 No.1 Although I'm heavier than you,I'm taller than you.这样好听一点。写作文的话就可以这样说No.2 The Dongqian Lake is large than the Xihu Lake but the Xihu Lake is beautiful than the other one.英语翻译 1.Do you think my hair too long and need a cut?2.It seems you are gaining/losing some weight.3.The couples' wedding was held on May 08.4.What A coincidence。We are living in the same street.我的可能不.英语翻译 Dear Yang Yanling:It's been a long time since we met last time.I wondered that have you become fatter or thinner?I heard that you are now in senior one.How about your life in the new school?Is that okay?I think you must be insufficient of food.I haven't written to you for a long time.I promised to write a letter once a week,but I was blocked for the tension of study.I hope you would understand that.I am in good health in recent days,and the study is not so bad any more.I seriously finish my homework every day,with great happiness.And I am happy with eating,with playing,with sleeping,and also,with having class.I didn't pay much attention on class in the past,and dare not to say much in class.However,I am now with enough courage to do so,founding joy in it.Teachers would not blame me if I was wrong,and classmates would not mock on me.It would be okay if I did it right at next time.I previously considered talking on class as something horrible,but now I think it is something joyful。.觉得自己长胖了。心理很烦。请你帮我 绝食减肥是最不好的办法的哦,一般人变得不像吃饭了,说明胃肠道就出现了问题的哦,长时间的这个样子,就有可鞥导致胃溃疡或者是胃癌的情况发生的哦。建议减肥离不开运动,。
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