形容一个梦想的词语 好比说我的梦想是成为最有钱的人 什么形容词形容他 突然忘了 想到梦想的时候就想到这个.一枕黄粱或黄粱美梦.供参考。帮我写文章;关于我的梦想 I believe I will be a rich man.The reason that I haven't succeeded,because my failure for experiencing is still much not enough,I obey rules and regulations of time is too long.Always,I am a good little boy in the people's eyes,good student.\"My life always train me as be good at the employee who seeks a work,not be good at creating a work opportunity with start a business\".But,I’m an unwilling and mediocre person naturally,is a person who isn't suitable for to be an employee naturally.Many people wants is just a stable wages list,a life without changeable.Some people are looking for different things,look for a kind of different life,a different world.I am looking for my dream,even if I face the predicament that can't imagine,willing is filled with in the future even if frustrated.Look forward。Let everything pays to seem to be worthy of all towards dreaming.I would not like to let my freedom lower the head toward to my funk.I would not like to my life addict to a work for survival。.有人说我的梦想是成为一个有钱人,我也是那么认为的。 和有人说我的梦想是成为一个有钱人,其实我 第一个,别人这么说,自己也是这么说,第二个,别人这么说,我心里也这么想,但是自己并没有说出来。
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