英语翻译 1 round(high)burns 2 falls ill is hospitalized 3 my backs hurt(pain)4 fall in the blues(spirit)5 coughs(row evil)(have got/have)6 breath fresh air 7 screens to live breathes 8 deep breathing 9 to contract cold 10 to play a role 11,because falls ill,daybreak today has not come to go to school 12 I to think that this news was real 13be supposed to do sth 14 we should each other help 15 to put on clothes 16 here to hurt 17 cannot go to school 18 I to meet one day of clothing three that medicine 19 him definitely to get sick,I hoped that he very will quickly be good 20 I to feel the uncomfortable 21 your presentFelt that what kind of 22 I was unable through the nose to breathe 24 feelings to be much better 25 maintain the health 26 and.The different 27 enough water 28 manufacture the playbill which some people smoke 29 in public area 30 my mother to allow me to play computer games 31 smoking in some public areas not to allow 32 to fall ill than 33 drinks a water,rests 34 serious 。
把下面的词语补充完整 1.(里)应(外)合(外)强(中)干(内)忧(外)患填完这一组成语,我发现:(全是方位相对的方位词)2.发(号)施(令)豪(情)壮(志)聚(精)会(神)(轻)描(淡)写(虾)兵(蟹.
关于捕鱼游戏的概率题 (1)不同组合的概率不同.先考虑一级炮.未捕获的概率为0.9.2元一级炮未捕获概率为0.9*0.9=0.81,大于2元的二级跑未捕获概率0.8.则花2元用两次一级炮不如花2元用一次二级炮.花3元一级炮二级炮各一次未捕获概率为0.9*0.8=0.72大于3元的三级炮未捕获概率0.7.则花3元的最佳选择为用一次三级炮.花4元一级炮三级炮各一次未捕获概率为0.9*0.7=0.63大于3元的四级炮未捕获概率0.6.则花4元的最佳选择为用一次四级炮.花5元一级炮四级炮各一次未捕获概率为0.9*0.6=0.54大于5元的五级炮未捕获概率0.5.则花5元的最佳选择为用一次五级炮.如此,可以选择二、三、四、五级炮时一定不选择一级炮.在不考虑一级炮的情况下再考虑二级炮,类似上面可以得到结论:可以选择三、四、五级炮时一定不选择二级炮.同理,可以选择四、五级炮时一定不选择三级炮;可以选择五级炮时一定不选择四级炮.则有10元应选择两次五级炮,如此捕获概率为1-0.5*0.5=0.75(2)在这条鱼价值为10元的情况下,投资一级炮的期望收益为0.9*(-1)+0.1*(10-1)=0投资二级炮的期望收益为0.8*(-2)+0.2*(10-2)=0投资三级炮的期望收益为0.7*(-3)+0.3*(10-3)=0投资四级炮的期望收益为0.6*(-4)+0.4*(10-4)=0投资五级炮。