外公用英语怎么读 “外公”英2113语grandpa读法:英[?gr?npɑ:]美[?ɡr?n?pɑ]释义:5261n.爷爷;外公短语:Grandpa Cardigans 怀旧针织装Dear Grandpa 亲爱的4102爷爷Sorry Grandpa 对不1653起爷爷例句:1、Why did we give him to Grandma and Grandpa?为什么我们要把它交给爷爷和奶奶?2、My grandpa and grandma live near us.我爷爷奶奶住得离我们很近。扩展资料近义词maternal grandfather外公,外祖父短语Serious maternal grandfather 认真的姥爷maternal great-grandfather 外曾祖父grandmother maternal grandfather 外祖父maternal grandfather and grandmother 外公和外婆My Maternal Grandfather 我外祖父例句1、My maternal grandfather is a capitalist,who is a famous\"furrier\"in the Tianjin bazaar.外祖父是资本家,是天津劝业场有名的“皮货商”。2、It was adopted,for example,by my maternal grandfather,who had a large number of romantic daughters.比如说,这种方法就被我的外公采纳。他有很多天生浪漫的女儿。坐在他旁边的那个老爷爷是他外公用英语怎么说? The old man sitting next to him is his grandfather爷爷、外公用英语怎么说 正式grandfather口语grandpa英文中如何区分奶奶和外婆、外公和爷爷? (这是一个与问题无关的答案,没想到被顶到了首位。我对原回答作了进一步修改。亲属称谓制度是“文化人…外公用英语怎么读 grandfather英[?gr?nfɑ:e?(r)]美[?ɡr?nd?fɑe?,?ɡr?n-]n.(外)祖父;始祖vt.新规定限制;不受新条例网络外祖父;祖;爷爷/外公grandpa英[?gr?npɑ:]美[?ɡr。爷爷、外公用英语怎么说 grandfather 读音:英[?gr?nfɑ:e?(r)]美[?ɡr?nd?fɑe?,?ɡr?n-] n.(外)祖父;始祖 vt.新规定限制;不受新条例 复数:grandfathers 例句:Her maternal 。外公外婆的英语怎么说 外公外婆的英文:2113grandfather、granddad、grandmother、grandma一、grandfather读音5261:4102英[?gr?nfɑ:e?(r)]美[?ɡr?nd?fɑe?,?ɡr?n-]n.(外)祖1653父;始祖vt.新规定限制;不受新条例复数:grandfathers例句:Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather's office亚当经常呆在他祖父的办公室里。二、granddad读音:英['gr?nd?d]美[?ɡr?n?d?d]n.爷爷;外公例句:Granddad and I had a men's night out at the fair.外公和我在外边度过了一次平等的男人之夜。三、grandmother读音:英[?gr?nm?e?(r)]美[?ɡr?nd?m?e?,?ɡr?n-]n.老奶奶;(外)祖母;女祖先vt.当…的祖母vi.当祖母复数:grandmothers例句:1、For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms.很久以来,她的母亲和外婆两人之间几乎不怎么说话。四、grandma读音:英[?gr?nmɑ:]美[?ɡr?nd?mɑ,]n.奶奶,外婆na.<;口>;奶奶,外婆复数:grandmas例句:Grandma and Grandpa had Mommy and her sister.姥姥和姥爷有妈妈和她的姐姐。扩展资料:延伸ancestors读音:英['?nsest?z]美['?nsest?z。我的外公外婆今年51岁了用英语怎么读 你好!我的外公外婆今年51岁了My grandparents are 51 years old this year请问英文翻译“外公”“外婆”是什么?英语如何将它们与“爷爷那,奶奶”区分 maternal grandfather 外公maternal grandmother 外婆paternal grandfather 爷爷paternal grandmother 奶奶普遍不用区分那么清用grandfathergrandmother 即可而granddadgrandma 比较口语英语翻译 Chinese New Year's Eve,the father's mother takes me to go to grandfather's grandmother's house to have reunited rice together.Chinese New Year's Day,in early morning,we go to grandfather's grandmother's house to make New Year's visit again.Big beginning of year two,we go to grandpa's grandmother's house to make New Year's visit again.Beginning three,grandmother's brother's inviting us is an old woman over the birthday to the hotel.Beginning four,the grandfather takes me to make New Year's visit to the chongming aunt's amily.Beginning five,I took a rest in the home for a day.Beginning six,the father's mother takes me to the agriculture industry and business supermarket shopping.
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