英语翻译 今天打算去跑步英文


\ 好评率:% I need to go for a run 我要去跑步 I will go for a run 我将要去跑步 I go for a run 我去跑步 I would go to runing I'm going to run. 。\ I need to go for a run 我要去跑步 I will go for a run 我将要去跑步 I go for a run 我去跑步我打算明天去跑步的英语 I plan to run tomorrow I am going to run tomorrow 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 英文 问问 更多。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号下周我不打算去跑步英文 下周我不打算去跑步I'm not going to run next week下周我不打算去跑步I'm not going to run next week英语翻译 1.My sister is going to Beijing in the future work2.Tom is going to learn Chinese in China3.I'm going to run tomorrow morning4.She want to watch TV this evening英语翻译 I am not good at that project.Tom decided to take a part in jump.We are preparing for the sports meeting.I can participate in race.They will give us the prize today.我打算明天去跑步的英语 I plan to run tomorrowI am going to run tomorrow去跑步用英语怎么说 去跑步的英语是go running。词汇2113分析音标:[g?? 'r?n??]释义:去跑步;跑5261步短语4102I Always Go Running 我经常去跑步I should go running 我应该会去跑步Go Swimming Or Running 去游1653泳或跑步Agreed to go running 约定一起去跑步拓展资料1、I go running every morning to stay fit.我每天早晨跑步来保持健康。2、I meant to go running this morning,but I overslept.我今天早晨本打算去跑步,但是我睡过头了。3、I sat there dreaming of the river and waiting for the wonderful moment when the sermon would be over and Jim and I could go running down the path to the river.我坐在那,向往着去河里玩耍,等待着布道结束的美好时刻,到时我就可以和吉姆跑到小路上,奔向河边。4、It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning,or you’re a regular at the gym.你是否天天早晨跑步或是体育馆的常客并不重要。5、I go running.而我,肯定选择去跑步。这个周末我打算去跑步。有英语怎么说? I plan to run this weekend.plan to do sth 计划做某事望采纳,不懂追问~

