怎么读英语? 学英语一定要努力,要持之以恒1.多听 多看 多说 多练2.平时多积累一些词汇 这样用的时候就不会感觉无从下手.3.有条件的话可以多跟老师和同学进行交流,多研究4.最好是看一些资料和光碟.属于日常口语方面的,能锻炼自己的表达能力.5.记忆词汇的时候要掌握内在规律,比如 发音方面的 词形方面的 意义方面的等等6.可以多看一些英语类的节目,英语类的书籍.7.可以多写写小短文.从简单句入手.逐步提高.
目瞪口呆的英文是downfounded吗? gapemouthedadj.张大嘴的,目瞪口呆的slack-jawedadj.发呆的,目瞪口呆的
“我想起来了”用英文怎么说? 我想起来了的英文:2113got it、I remember、I see、It occurred to me、come to think of it。一、got it英5261[g?t it]美[ɡɑt ?t]Ah,I've got it.哦,我想4102起来了。二、I rememberremember:英[r??memb?(r)]美[r??m?mb?]vt.&vi.记得;牢记vt.记着1653;纪念;回想起;送钱[礼物]给…I remember the first time I went onstage.I freaked out completely我还记得自己第一次登台的情形。我完全吓坏了。三、I see英[a? si:]美[a? si]我明白了;我知道了;我了解;我记起来了I see him as someone with not the slightest conception of teamwork.我认为他丝毫没有团队意识。四、It occurred to me我想起来了Just as I was leaving the house it occurred to me that I had forgotten my keys.我就要离开房间时,想起来我忘了带钥匙。五、come to think of it英[k?m tu:θi?k ?v it]美[k?m tu θ??k ?v ?t]口>;我想起来了He was his distant relative,as was everyone else on the island,come to think of it哦,对了,他是他的远亲,岛上的其他人也是。