

写一篇关于城市交通的英语作文 Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities.It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work.For example,people have to set off well in advance to get to work on time and come back very late when their work is over.There are many causes for this problem,but the following may be the most important ones.The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars.Cars take up space but they carry fewer people.Some private car drivers,ignoring traffic regulations,drive only for the sake of their own convenience,blocking the way of other public transportation vehicles.The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets.With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing,some roads still remain unimproved,which will surely lead to problems.The last cause is the insufficient management of the traffic system and the people's lack of awareness of traffic regulations。.

为家乡设计一条环境保护标语 1、与文明同行,与绿色相伴.2、保护环境,携手共建美丽新xx 或 携手共建新家园.3、xx是我家,环保靠大家.4、xx是我家,我们都要爱护她.5、多一份绿色,多一份健康.6、爱护环境,创建绿色新xx.7、人人爱护环境,处处享受绿色.

当你看到一个同学洗完手后没把水龙头关好,水还在嘀嗒嘀嗒往下掉,你会怎么告诉他(她)要珍惜资源、保 第一个我不想说:珍惜水源人人有责第二个网络资源1、请珍惜宝贵的生命之源-水。2、珍惜点滴,珍惜生命之源.3、水是生命之源,请珍惜每一滴水.4、当你让水白白流掉时,我们离干旱又近了一步.5、水池边:.


