各位可以帮一下我吗?求求你 可以吗求你


正文 算我求你可以吗 “不要哼,我想跟你来一场对我们都很公平的交易,还真不知道,大名鼎鼎的蝎子,敢不敢玩就对了。WWw。QUANBen。cOM”“OK,3个月,我可以给你3个月的时间,你可以留在这里,而我,则是给你杀我的机会,我也会住在这里,但是就看你这3个月里面,到底能不能杀掉我了!这场游戏的赌注虽然有点大,堵上的是他的一条命,但是他却也觉得很是刺激,好久没有这么疯狂的玩过了,都只是因为没有对手,而这个女人是一个难得的对手。“我给你的期限,仅仅是3个月,如果你三个月之后,并没有杀掉我的话,你就死心塌地的为我做事,绝对不再插手熊帮的任何一件事情!个月啊….又是3个月的期限吗?他给出的也是三个月,如果杀不了他,她就到他手里做事?其实分析起来的话,也只有益处,并没有坏处,因为三个月之后,她要是没杀掉黑炎瀛的话,回熊帮根本也就只有死路一条。“你以为你还有其他的退路吗?“OK,成交,不过我能不能也有一个但书?“说!这女人这个时候还能跟他谈条件,呵,有意思,他倒要看看,她到底有何条件!“…不能算是但书….算我求你的,可以吗?假如….假如三个月之后,或许…或许没到三个月,她已经就先死掉的话,老妈却一个人,这个将是她唯一的一个牵挂!所以她决定为。

可以帮我翻译一下吗??求你了 The passing of one-month winter holiday is around the corner.Looking back to this month,I could feel that I have a lot of achievements.During my holiday time,I fullfilled myself by daily activities,such as reading books and magazines,surfing internet,etc,in order to enjoy my days.The most enjoyful thing I have done during my days was get to know about the culture of Chinese New Year.We are a nation with long history and rich civilization.However I had never contrived to get an insight into it.Usually my people spend New Year by visiting relatives,but this year is quit different.People no longer just stay at home,but invite couple of friends travel around.What impressed me most is that my friends and I went out for travel,which made me feel quite good.Comparing with usual years which were spent by visiting kindreds,this way of celebration comes much better.As soon as the reaching end of winter hoilday,I should do preparation for the coming new term.



