我打算在夏天英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.having a test2.go swimming3.going boating with英语翻译 1.I want to go to America to practise English.练习是practise2.I'm gong to visit some great places of intrest.3.It always rain in summer,sometimes it rains heavily.形容雨大用heavy 动词后面用副词形式4.The farmers are busy on harvest in the field.如果只有两个空 填 gain corns请把“今年夏天,我打算去北京”翻译成英语. I am going to Beijing this summer./I will go to Beijing this summer./I plan to go to Beijing this summer.英语翻译 八年级下册人教版英语书unit 2 we are making some plans to work inan old people' home when i see theanimals get better,i get such a strong felling of satisfaction We will give out the money from the sal.这个夏天我打算去北京 英文翻译 I am planning to go to Beijing this summer.答案是:I am going to Beijing this summer ? ?手工翻译?尊重劳动?欢迎提问?感谢采纳? ?英语翻译 You should do your homework./It is time for you to do your homework.He wakes up at six o'clock every day.We are going to visit Nanjing this summer.I'm sorry to wake you up./Terribly sorry to wake yo.我打算今年夏天度个长假 翻译成英语 重点翻译带上take a vacation 英语翻译 1 Our family all went camping last summmer.2 I likg going camping with my good friends in summmer.3 My classmates are going to the mountain to camp tomorrow.4 My mother prepared some picnic food fo.英语“我的夏天计划”怎么说 我的夏天计划_有道翻译翻译结果:My summer planplan_有道词典plan英[pl?n]美[pl?n]n.计划;平面图vt.计划;设计;打算vi.计划;打算n.(Plan)人名;(瑞典)普兰;(法)普朗plan 计划,平面图,普朗(伊泽尔省)


