你想要什么样的朋友英语作文 英语作文你喜欢交什么样的朋友


英语作文关于《你想要什么样的朋友》怎么写 嗯 顺便一提 我现在学的ABC夫下中心的助教才和我提过,事实上想将英语学好很简单的;绝对需要个适合的学习情境和熟练口语对象,这取决于外教资质 发音纯正非常重要 持续天天口语练习 1对1家教式辅导就有最.好.的学习成果;上完课记得回放复习课后录音反馈,更可以加深印象 实在是真的无对象可练习的情况,可以上听力室或爱思取得课余教材研习 多问多听很快的语感会进步许多 学习成效是绝对迅速明显的。I really want tobe your friend

英语作文,如果你想交朋友,你该做什么.给建议。 Wanting to make friends with others,what should you do?On it,I would like to offer some advice as follows.Firstly,you should get to learn much about how to make real friends and keep up friendship.Secondly,If you want to make friends with a person,knowing about his or herpersonality,hobbies as well as their dreams is unnecessary without it.Having the same interests and characters,it's easy for you to make good friends and keep on.All in all,you should make a fuller preparation before setting up a friendship with others and do not conduct it casually.

我想要一篇英语作文 My friend Jack visited me in Hangzhou yesterday.He has blonde hair and big blue eyes,he is really handsome.We went to the Westlake.The Westlake is truely a beautiful scenery,the water is cean and azur.

