《我的梦想是做一位画家》英语100字作文,并翻译 有名画家英文作文80字


关于画家风格的英语作文 十万火急。 Boucher(Buxie,F·Boucher,1703-1770)Rococo painting on behalf of those whoAngel is an outstanding 19th-century French classical painterDelacroix(1798-1963),is a 19th century the most outstanding.

用英文介绍一名画家,5句话 He was Davinci(达芬奇),italian(意大利人)He was very famous painting artist in the world,born in 1425,died in 1519.His well-known representative was 。

《我的梦想是做一位画家》英语100字作文,并翻译 My dream is to be a painter.What is the dream in your heart?Is to become a gardener to cultivate the flowers of the four seasons,or to be a favorite toy designer?Want to be an explorer,you go to any place you want to go,or want to be a movie star?What is my dream?Tell you:I want to be a painter。I was 5 years old,my mother took me to see the exhibition,a naughty monkey,cute dog exhibition.Look at the picture of the animal I true to life,determined to learn to draw,and grew up to become a painter.Every time when I finish my homework,I started painting.I drew a hat of the little sister look after painting to mom,mom said I was good at painting,I love painting。Now,my mother called the painting class for me,I'm so happy。Yesterday,I promised the art teacher in painting competition.I drew a dog lying in the shade of a tall tree,I want to take this picture to enter it。Ah。I love painting。You wait,I will work for four famous illustrations。我的梦想是当一名画家你心中的梦想是什么呢?。


