比尔盖茨毕业于哪个学校 比尔乡小学


比尔盖茨小学事的故事 Gates was educated at private and public primary school in Seattle.There,he found his interest in software aspect and at the age of 13 began programming computers has continued for 15 years.In 1973,Gates entered Harvard University.In Microsoft and now chief executive Steve Bulmer became good friends.At Harvard,Gates for a version of the first microcomputer-MITS Altair developed the BASIC programming language.In the third grade of the University,Gates left Harvard to devote his energies to his childhood friend and Paul Allen in 1975 created the Microsoft Corp.The computer will become the most important every family,every office tools under the guidance of this belief,they began developing software for personal computers.Gates have farsightedness and his personal computer and software industry Microsoft prophetic vision becomes the key of success.Under the leadership of Gates,Microsoft continued to improve the development of software technology,to make the software user-friendly,。

给比尔盖茨的一封信小学三年级作文 比尔:您好!我听妈妈说您是个电脑专家,创造了WINDOWS 操作系统,我又从一本书上看到您在美国西雅图拥有一个您自己的电脑公司—微软公司,这可是世界上最大的一个电脑公司。

比尔羡文化高吗像我们普通人经商小学未毕业可以像他那样吗 文化不高,我们部分人只注意到片面,例如李嘉诚,他文化很高吗?他们都没有停止学习,还有他们也不是特殊人,也是普通人,能不能做到他们那样我无法预测,你可以问问他们想过现在成就吗?我个人认为,首先不能停止学习,其次就在于你的头脑和发现机会以及把握的问题了


