英语翻译 1.他工作了一整天,但他一点也不累(not at all not a bit).He works all day,but he is tired not at all.或是He works all day,but he is tired at a bit.2.汤姆的姐姐是中等身材,但她想要更瘦一点(thinner)Tom's older sister is medium stature,but she wants to be thinner.英语翻译 1、What language does her sister speak?2\\ Judy wants to go to Canada.3\\ This is my penfriend,she comes from Australia.4\\ My father's friend Mr Green lives in Mexico.5\\ I can speak a little French.英语--请教这样翻译对不对.超谢 D,letmetellyousomethingaboutourschool.Ourschoolisnotverylarge,buttherearelotsofteachers.Ihavesomefriendshere.Ourschoolisverybeatiful,。英语翻译 I spent a sad weekend.i wanted to go shoping with my sister but she was busy.The swimming pool was closed when i went swimming with my friend.then we were chased by a dog when we played in the park,we were scaredto run back home,it's really boring.我不想做姐姐 因为什么事情都要会想 英语翻译 I don't want to be a elder sister because I have to have own idea and solution for everything.英语翻译 I've benn missing you so much;while not knowing when you can be in touchBut I will for you leave.因为我是你的姐姐,所以我不想看你做错事用英语怎么翻译。真心求解。。谢谢 I am your elder sister,所以我不想看你做错事。解析你好,望采纳;t wanna see you go astray:go astray 误入殊途不想chiglish~支持原创,很高兴为你解答,祝开心~!so I don'.因为我是你姐姐她是我的姐姐吗?用英语咋说? Is she my sister?
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