我爱家乡营口作文 我的家乡营口作文


绿色营口,我的家乡征文 你看看这个合适你吧.我爱我的家乡—营口喜欢营口充满阳光的味道.一个低密度建筑的城市,一个不以楼的高度而津津乐道的城市,这就是营口。营口依山傍海,临河而居,宽阔的街道,4-12层的甜蜜住宅,没有大都市的喧嚣,没有大都市玻璃幕墙的光污染,也没有长龙般的塞车现象—这就是营口。?? 喜欢营口清新的空气.2005年营口的空气质量首次位列辽宁第一,如今营口和谐的生态环境给营口人带来了最实惠的健康。?? 喜欢营口人时尚的装扮.欣赏一个人的角度有多重的,但是营口人赏心悦目的衣着,时尚大胆地走在时尚的最前沿的时候,我不禁为这个海滨小城感到震撼。?? 喜欢吃营口的大米.我们“营口大米[注册商标]”在清朝的时候就是供品进贡到宫廷里.营口地区以盛产大米而闻名,有着60万亩水田、3亿公斤的年产量,最健康绿色的食品不仅养育了营口230万人民,还远销到南方地区.?? 喜欢生吃海鲜的城市.其他沿海地区的人可能会吃煮熟了的大虾、螃蟹和虾爬子,而营口却是例外,用葱、姜、蒜和盐等材料或腌或现拌的形式做成的海鲜那简直是好吃的不得了,这就是营口,我就是吃玻璃牛长大的营口人。?? 喜欢吃营口的水果.盖州辽南苹果享誉世界,出口十多个国家,熊岳的葡萄,芦屯的安平大李子,归州的桃,大石桥的。我的家乡营口英语作文 welcome to my hometown。shanghai is my hometown.it is a modern and busy town.it has a long history.there are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.it is very easy to go shopping.you can see big trees and nice flowers.there are many restaurants in shanghai.the food tastes very delicious.you can enjoy eyery minutes of it.many visitors come here to enjoy it.二i am from shenzhen.in spring,the weather is warm and wet.i can play kite.in summer,the weather is hot and wet.i can swim in the swimming pool.in the autumn,the weather is cool and dry.i can play kite,too.in the winter,the weather is cold and dry.it never snow.三my home town is a beautiful place.it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.but in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.many people had no work.they lived a hard life.in 1949 my hometown was liberated.since then great changes have taken place there.the streets have been widened.factories,schools,hospitals,。绿色营口,我的家乡征文不少于600字,可以写家乡变化的对比。快 自己写


