<我的学校生活>英语作文 I go to school at half past seven every morning.我每天早上7点半上学.When i get to school,i have to do the cleaning with my classmates.当我回到学校的时候,我要和我的同学一起做值日.After that i have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon.紧接着,我上午要上4节课,下午要上两节课.The school is over at about half past four.下午四点半放学My favourite teacher is my teacher and of course my favourite subject is also english.我最喜欢的是英语老师,所以我最爱的科目也当然是英语.My maths is just a mess.I can't understand what the teacher is talking about.我的数学比较差.因为我听不明白老师上课讲什么.I don't know how to solve this problem.我不知道要怎么去解决这个问题.Anyway,i enjoy my school life.但无论如何,我很享受学校的生活I join Corner every week.I can speak with many other students there.我每周参加英语角.我可以跟许多其他学生用英语交流.It's very interesting and exciting.很有趣也很兴奋We play basketball,volleyball,ping-pong at the rest。描写课余生活的名词 课余生活是学生校园生活的重要组成部分。从传统的踢毽子,跳皮筋,书法课到现在的机器人,航模比赛,课余活动的形式一直在发生变化,但不变的是促进学生德、体、美共同提高。校园内有组织的课外活动种类繁重,丰富多彩,异常活跃,对培养和教育学生会生活、丰富生活必不可少。学生要使自己的课余生活充实、丰富,参加的课外活动对自己起作用,那就应该按照以下原则,选择和安排自己的课余生活。1.教育原则2.主次原则3.结合原则4.个性原则5.适度原则初二英语作文80词 In 20 years,there won't be any school in our country.Students will study on computer at home.If they have problem,the teacher will help them with the problems on line.They won't use paper any more.They can answer the questions on the computer.They will study on computer only two hours.So they will have many free time to relax.They can do what they want to do.描写课外活动的词语 你追我赶人声鼎沸欢声笑语载歌载舞欢声笑语沸沸腾腾兴高采烈人声鼎沸川流不息热火朝天水泄不通人头攒动人声鼎沸摩肩接踵热闹非凡欢声雷动欣喜若狂济济一堂关于写中学生的的校园生活和课余生活的英语作文80个词 How to spend the spare time as a college studentGenerally speaking,spare time,especially two-day weekends,are not only a time for us college students to relax,but also a time to improve ourselves.To test from a week’s hard work,we have plenty of recreation opportunities.We can read to our hearts’content,can go sightseeing,and can play games with our friends.Some students find part time jobs at weekends so that they can ease their families’financial burdens.However,some students are just wasting their time.Some spend their time playing cards,and even drinking and eating with their friends.Some spend the whole weekend going traveling and feel tired when they return to school,so that their studies will be greatly affected.As a student,I think the first thing I should do is to go over the lessons.Spending two or three hours in going over lessons every weekend will give me great returns.After finishing my schoolwork,I can do many other things,for example,mountain climbing,。
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