\ 吊车2113:1.crane2.hoistRelative explainations:sling van>;<;suspended ceiling>;<;derrick truck>;<;hoisting machine>;<;crane truck>;Examples:1.司机把吊车5261转了过来.The driver slewed the crane round.2.给吊车装上吊杆Joint a boom on a crane.3.”货运车站上到处是各4102式各样的吊车和运1653输车辆,一片蓬勃景象。The freight station is lively with cranes and vehicles of all descriptions.4.吊车一种通常配有联接在传送带上的吊桶或戽斗,用来举起材料A mechanism,often with buckets or scoops attached to a conveyor,used for hoisting materials.
吊车尾用英语怎么说 吊车尾[网络]Crane End;[例句]能够自主阅读的孩子们持续领先,而这方面能力不足的孩子则会一直处于吊车尾的状态。The kids that can read keep getting ahead,and the students who had problems keep falling behind.
吊车的英文是什么? crane.