英语翻译 It is too far for a fresh man as me.I made the mistake to have such a far house and am looking for a nearer one,better a room shared with Chinese.I will transfer all the personal belongs you provide.英语翻译 1.Hello.I need a net wire in my room.2.Please add a pillow for me.3.I want breakfast.4.Could you help me cut the fruit?5.Is it smoking allowed?6.I've lost my room card.Can I ask for a new one?“房子到现在还没装修好”用英语怎么说? The house hasn't been decorated up to now.用的是现在完成时的被动语态,decorate是装饰、装潢的意思。或者是:We haven't finished decorating the house up to now.这样翻译我觉得更能表达意思,这个主语可以换的。希望采纳,谢谢英语翻译下面这一段是我马来西亚朋友换新房子的住址,我不太肯定是不是,他寄给我一张纸,正面写:TAN YEW TONGNO.18 JALAN MAJU 1/7TAMAN LEMBAH MAJUAMPANG68000 KUALA LUMPUR背面写着:吉隆坡 马来西亚,安帮太子园门牌18号请问正面和背面是否相同意思,如果不是帮我把英文译成中文, 你要换一个床的房间吗?英语怎么说 Would you like to have a one-bed room instead?楼上几位各有错误,could you want to 说法更匪夷所思。英语翻译 1 Do you consume in the room?2 Do you want to settle accounts and give back the room?3 Can you wait for 3 minutes.We will check the room.4 I want to exchange the Renminbi.5 The price for the room is¥200,for the dinner is¥50,for the call is¥5 and for other things is¥15.Then the total is¥270.6 Can you give me your pastport?7 Can you help me open a strong-box?英语翻译 1.I clean the room for 1 hours,the room is too big.No plans yet.2.On the eve of the Spring Festival,each and every family must clean up the room,prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival Spring festival.3.On the eve of the Spring Festival,each and every family must clean up the room,prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival Spring festival.4.Every time you usually clean the room need how long?5.Clean the room as soon as possible to finish cleaning up,also want to clean up,don't dilly-dally.英语翻译 Can we go?This room is not very good,may I change to another one?Can you speak a little bit slowly?I am very satisfied,thanks.对不起,先生,可能是房间没有收好,请稍等一下,我将与接待处联系并尽快为你换房间,英文翻译,求大家帮 Sorry,sir.This room isn’t cleaned yet.Pleasewait for a short time.Would you like to live another room,please?英语翻译 1.你的翻译语法没有错误,但是有几个细节:\"有\"翻译成have,这是中文用法,换成own更合适些;house指的是独栋/连栋别墅这种独立的小楼,apartment指的是公寓楼的一套,所以我有房子要具体到什么样的房子.I own a house but I don't own a car.I own a house but not a car.2.What kind of girls do you like?你喜欢哪种类型的女孩?What kinds of girls do you like?你喜欢哪几种类型的女孩?What kind of girl,一般不会这么问.这个短语一般用在这里:What kind of girl do you think I am?你觉得我是什么样的女孩?What kinds of girl,这个表达不太对.3.This girl is not my type.
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