感谢在大家的共同努力下 英语翻译感谢你所作出的努力,你的努力大家有目共睹,正是由于总经理的正确领导,和你们的共同努力,我们的业绩才会稳步快速发展,希望再接再厉为公司的发展而努力.


都是大家共同不懈努力成就的 成果在于大家共同的努力所以应该感谢每一个人不贪功不进利这样大家也会更喜欢您的

英语翻译 (Female)First,allow me to introduce the leadership of this forum visit the guests:they are.(M)let us once again with warm applause to thank guests for coming.Through the joint efforts of freshman sophomore,this forum has successfully created a number of outstanding research team of university students.(Female)over the numerous obstacles,only to find the root of the problem;(M)after countless failures,the existence of persistent truth;(Female)tonight,let us all enjoy looking forward to unite the efforts of each group,bringing together all the wonderful ideas come to report.(M)Now,I announced that China Institute of Industrial Relations,Department of Trade Union 2010 3rd Student Forum(Co)began.(Female)First,please Zhang Mo teachers stage opening statement.(M)thanked Zhang Mo teacher.Conclusion(Female),a paean to youth,soul-stirring;we harvest the fruits of the season numerous.(M)in a battle of young,in their prime;we present excellent report of this forum.(Female)young,could 。

英语翻译 First of all,Thanks for all of you come today,we will together evidence for a such exciting match here,my name is XXX,and I will be the host for today.Cube maybe only a toy that exists in the chi.


