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翻译中文歌词 歌词好难翻译啊,花了我2个小时32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333236373866,因为我看到别人堂而皇之用机器翻译的垃圾来当这首这么好听的歌的中文歌词,看不过去了。Starin out my window at you 窗外繁星对着你闪耀Gettin by aint the same without you 没有你,看到的不再一样And I aint the same without you 且没有你,我不再是我Can't even do my thing without you 没有你我甚至不能做任何事So Long 再见To the one I Love 给我爱的人And I remember how it was 而我会记住I wish I could be back there cuz 我愿我能回到所在的地方I wanna be back where I can.我要回到我能回的地方[Chorus]合唱Take the top off the ride 乘车航行We can cruise around 我们能四处巡游Listen to the sound as the sun goes down 聆听日落的声音And there's a party goin on every corner 和各处举行的聚会Thatz why i gotta be in California 那就是我要在加利福尼亚的原因We can take the top off the ride 让我们乘车航行And hit the shore 去海滨玩耍We can hit sunset 去看日落We can hit the stores 去购物And there's a party 。

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