2016年6.9到2017年7月3号已经过去了多少天? 2016年6.9到2017年7月3号已经过去了389天
英语翻译 Mom:It has been ten years since your last visit.A lot has happened and changed in my family.Your two grandsons are all grown up.We really hope you can come and visit us,and we want you to give you a chance to enjoy life and be happy.We intend on covering all your expenses during your visit.
话说2015已经过去了,2016已来到了,如果要你用一句话来形容过去的一年你是怎么形容的??? 计划很多,但是赶不上变化!说多了都是废话,还是兵来将挡水来土掩!2015总结:够吃!2016我希望是:年年有余!