银行越来越不好干 比如说一件事,它有可能往好的方向发展,也有可能往坏的方向发展.当一旦出现这种可能性时,往往向坏方向发展的概率要更大一些.


3篇英语作文 I have a dream-I dream that God hasd a happy life.I hope he has a warm house to get out of the bad wweather outside.on his bed,he’ll have a wondreful pillow-not beautiful buit comfortable.I hope that he has healthy food,maybe some mushrooms,some cabbages,somew eggs,and so on.Oh,I persaude him not to eat any hamburgers,they are rubbish.I bless God.I hope that he has an old tree in his yard.Its big leaves are green in summer and turn yellow in autumn,birds build their house in the tree,ants climb up and down for their own lives.God can read under the tree,or he can listen to the tree’s words-it’ll tell him a lot,making him laugh or cry.My dream is that he’ll not be too busy to smile.I wish for a beautiful earth,which hasn’t pain,hunger or wars,and which is only filled with lovely smile and sweety tears.then my dear God will be able to have a good bath and a goood sleep-for many years he cannot do this quietly.Every night,I have the same dream,i dream that God can have a happy 。

英语翻译 Hi there,I'm wondering when I may know the result?Could you please advise?Thanks in advance。xxx your name补充:如果你是通过写email询问,用Excuse me 不太合适的.你补充的问题的翻译:BTW,could you please inform me how fast I may know the decision from the management?

求生活小常识的问答题300道 这里可以提供一部分,只是没300道知识问答题1.哪两种动物被称为“海洋变色龙”?A.海马和乌贼 B.乌贼和章鱼 C.章鱼和海蜇2.企鹅会飞吗?A.会 B.不会3.“美人鱼”的学名叫什么?A.儒艮 B.鲤艮4.有哪些鸟类能模仿人语?(可选多个答案)A.八哥 B.乌鸦 C.鹩哥 D.鹦鹉5.刺猬以什么为食?(可选多个答案)A.鼠类 B.蚂蚁 C.煌虫 D.蝼蛄6.澳大利亚的国宝是什么动物?A.袋鼠 B.鹰 C.熊猫 D.树袋熊7.大袋鼠吃什么?(可选多个答案)A.树叶 B.稻谷 C.树藤 D.青草8.屎壳郎学名是什么?A.蟑螂 B.蜣螂9.蜗牛是软件动物吗?A.是 B.不是10.科摩多龙是蜥蜴还是龙?A.蜥蜴 B.龙11.“眼镜王蛇”是“眼镜蛇之王”吗?A.是,都是同一种蛇 B.否,它们是两种蛇12.鸟类中,谁的尾巴最长?A.信天翁 B.雕 C.日米长尾雉13.谁的尾巴最美?A.孔雀 B.极乐鸟 C.火鸡14.世界上最毒的植物是什么?A.毒藤 B.箭毒木 C.断肠草15.蚂蟥最怕什么?A.盐 B.酸性物 C、糖16.雄蚊吃什么?(可选多个答案)A.血 B.花密 C.果汁 D.花生油17.被誉为“超级跳高健将”的是什么动物?A.袋鼠 B.跳虱 C.蟑螂 D.蚱蜢18.“皮毛之王”是什么动物?(可选多个答案)A.河狸 B 北极熊 C 水濑 D 狼19.大熊猫最爱吃什么?。

