我要上太空动漫 电影我要上太空中的英文插曲歌名是什么?


有没有专门介绍<我要上太空>的网站 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/anime/spica/index.html

动漫《我要上太空》的主题曲叫什么名字? Venus Say又名:《两颗Spica》作词:新藤晴一 作曲:本间昭光编曲:本间昭光 歌:BUZY弱(よわ)き旅人(たびびと)よ 引(び)き返(かえ)すがいい倒(たお)れてしまう前(まえ)にそれでもお前(まえ)は行(い)くというのか远(とお)い空(そら)の向(む)こうまで几千(いくせん)の旅人(たびびと)が私(わたし)に祈(いの)る时(とき)は无谋(むぼう)にも旅路(たびじ)に倒(たお)れた后(あと)なのここじゃないどこかには今(いま)じゃないいつかにはお前(まえ)が探(さが)してる爱(あい)があるというの私(わたし)が与(あた)えた运命(うんめい)のもとでおとなしくしてればいいのにDo you know?I’m a Venus.弱(よわ)き旅人(たびびと)よ 近(ちか)づいておいで私(わたし)のひざもとまで抱(だ)きしめてあげよう见(み)せてあげよう远(とお)い空(そら)のその先(さき)をWhat you wanna go?I will make it happen

电影我要上太空中的英文插曲歌名是什么? Close Your Eyes-Meghan TrainorEverybody is on the same pageNo new chaptersWill never changeEverybody wants to be coolYes they doI'm just like themBut I won't be no foolI guess I could waste all metime and my moneyJust trying to look rightBut it doesn't change whoI am in my heart if I look like themSo I want you to close your eyesSeem to the world tonightAnd show them what's beautifulI don't care what they thinkNo I'm not listeningCause I know I'm beautifulSo close your eyesShow show show themwhat's beautifulShow show show themwhat's beautifulGonna' show them.Show show show them what'sShow show showShow show show show show themwhat's beautifulEverybody is bang to be differentThat's the one thingthat makes us the samebabeSo don't let you them hurtCan't change you don't knowthe make youInto something you ain'tnoSo I want you to close your eyesSeem to the world tonightAnd show them what's beautifulI don't care what they thinkNo I'm not 。


