让我来告诉你我们的家规和班规用英语咋写 让我来告诉你我们的家规和班规Let me tell you the rules and regulations让我来告诉你我们的家规和班规Let me tell you the rules and regulations我们班有一些班规 用英语怎么说 Our class has a number of class rules希望能帮到你我们班有许多班规用英语怎么说 你好楼主,翻译为;There are many rules in our class.祝楼主平安快乐。很高兴为您解答,还有疑问请继续追问,感谢您的及时采纳。谢谢。(也希望您下次有了新的疑问,可以来求助我哦)我们的班规Our Class Rules 英语作文 Every class has rules,like No smoking,No eating and No sleeping.Our class is not very good,because some students are talking when someone is speaking.In the class,we should observe others by rules.Now,I list some rules in class:1.No talking when someone is speaking.2.No sleeping in class.3.No eating or drinking in class.4.Be always on time.5.No playing in class.6.No laughing when someone makes a mistake.These rules are just my opinion,but I think if our class has such rules,we can study better.英语翻译 Our class gauge is very good,I to our class gauge opinion is that I think of our class gauge is too strict,but class gauge strict is our class become very beautiful,also very much is obedient very,so.英语作文我们的班规 Our school has school rules,and our class also has class rules.We can’t have breakfast in the classroom.Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom.Then it becomes.英语作文 我的班规 带翻译 First,a student must try to be polite.首先,学生必须讲礼貌.How to be polite?怎样讲礼貌呢?For example,when you meet the teachers,you should say 'hello' or 'good morning' to him immediately.例如,如果你遇到老师,要立刻对他说你好或早上好.The teachers will give you a kindly smile after you do it.然后,老师会给你一个友好的微笑.Second,good results will give a huge lift.第二,好成绩会成为极大的鼓舞How to get good results?Study hard is the only way to success.怎么得到好成绩?Good at active learning,you will reap it a lot.善于主动学习,你会收获很多.现在就由我来介绍我们的班规。 英语翻译 Now let me introduce our class rules求采纳今天,我为我们班制定一份班规 英语翻译 Today,I……for our class. Today,I make class's rules for our class.
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