新疆阿凡提饭店周至 英语作文我家乡的变化 带翻译


金庸小说主角武功排名 第一位肯定是张无忌,拥有乾坤大挪移、九阳神功、圣火令武功。同时还将可能拥有九阴真经和降龙十八掌,因为最后周至若拿着刀剑中的武功秘籍找到了张无忌,张可能同时取赵周二妻的。试想,九阳九阴同时拥有,那…必须是第一。其它人物各有千秋,没法也没必要排序,这才叫做众星捧月,要是能排出序来那就没意思了。金庸自己也亲口说过,张无忌是武功最接近第一的人,张无忌的性格最像常人,甚至最接近“人”,只有“人”才是第一,要是超人或者神人是第一的话那就不是武侠小说了,而是神魔传奇或者外星来的蜘蛛侠了。

西安有什么好玩的地方吗 大唐芙蓉园啊,大雁塔啊。大唐芙蓉园啊,大雁塔啊。覀苝&独哴@6级 第一天:早上:大雁塔及周边,曲江海洋世界,下午:大唐芙蓉园(晚上有亚洲最大的水幕电影) 。

英语作文我家乡的变化 带翻译 1There has been a lot of significant changes in my hometown in recent years.On the one hand,industry gave its way to tourism.There used to be many factories that produce coal in the mountains nearby my hometown.But over years,local government has made an effort in controlling the environment pollution.As a result,the leading economy has become tourism instead of industry.Downtown areas saw the change of many citizens taking new jobs as tour guides or running souvenir stores.On the other hand,there are schools and universities in my hometown compared to the situation several years ago.Nowadays and people have the chance to attend schools or to further their studies in high-level educational institutions.In general,my hometown has developed to a great extent in these years.我的家乡近几年来经历了很多重大变化.一方面,工业转型为了旅游业.过去在我家乡附近的山中,曾经有很多产煤的工厂.但是经过这几年,当地政府努力控制环境污染.所以,引领经济已经变成了旅游业,而不再是工业.镇中心。


