用比较和最高级介绍自己 我是老师,我要上形容词的比较级与最高级 可以做什么游戏在课堂教学中??


用比较级和最高级写一篇关于你的家庭成员的短文 There are four people in my family.My father,mother,sister and I.My father is older than my mother.He is the oldest.My brother is older than I and I am the youngest.I like them best.用比较级或最高级写一段短文,描述你的家乡.包括人口,道路,房屋,商店,影院等现在与过去的对比.80词左右 My hometown is much beutiful than the past.There are much trees and flowers along the road.The road is cleaner and wider now.There are population now.The buildings are higher and higher.介绍自己的英语短文要用最高级和比较级 I am ann,13 years old.I study at No.1 Middle School of GuangZhou.My brother study at grade 8 No.2 Middle School of GuangZhou.I am an open girl.I makes a lot of friends here.I study harder than some of my friends.And I am the tallest one amone them.They are very friendly.LuoLin is a gentle girl.But DiHan is a ferous one.But i feel they are very well.I like sing song and my parents like reading,and my brother likes to play basketball I glad i can i have such friend I love my family very much用比较级和最高级写一篇《 最__老师 》作文 三年级的第一学期,我刚从广州转到上海来.当时,有些常见的词汇我都读不准,一些简单的语法我也搞不清.教这样的学生,不用说,就会知道老师该有多辛苦.一次,我背英语课文,有一个单词发音不准,是丁老师一遍又一遍地帮我校正,由于紧张,我还是读不准,急得我额头直冒汗,丁老师还是不厌其烦地教我,直到我将音读准为止.像这样的事已不计其数.记得还有一次,有几道英语练习题我不会做,放学后,丁老师单独为我补课.天色已渐渐地暗了下来,丁老师仍一遍又一遍地教我,一个小时过去又是一个小时.妈妈不放心地赶到了学校,一进教室,见丁老师仍不知疲倦地在那里教我.此情此景,妈妈被感动了…回到家,爸爸得知了此事.他沉默了良久,感叹地说道:“多么好的年代,多么好的老师呀…”一天,妈妈给丁老师打电话为我请病假.丁老师说:“宝宝爸爸的来信我收到了.”这时我才得知,爸爸给丁老师写了致谢信.当妈妈再一次向丁老师道谢时,丁老师只说了一句“不要谢,这是我应该做的.”这是一句多么朴实无华的言语呀。让我好感动.我在这个学校读书倍感温暖,因为这里到处充满了爱.一天放学回到家里,我激动地对妈妈说:“我们的老师个个都像您一样的望子成龙.”老师的爱—哺育着我的童年.也将营养我一生.参考资料:系本人。初二英语作文用最高级介绍自己的学校 你好!My school is one the most famous schools in the city with a long history.First,it has got a big population of 2.200,including students and all staffs while many halls are still being build to enlalrge the scale.Second,it makes the highest record during the latest 10 years,with than 90 percent entry to senior schools.Third,we also have the most activities after school like sporting,playing many instruments and different inventions.All of us are proud of our mother school.谢谢,望采纳

