英语翻译 我打算买一本有关植物方面的杂志.I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.你还需要别的什么?What else do you need?我打算3点钟去.I'm going to go at three o'clock.我想在将来某一天成为一名科学老师.I think s.英语翻译 1 My parents plan to take me to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.2 Mary often gets up at 5,but she plans to get up at 6 tomorrow morning.3 What do you plan to do this week?What's your plan for this way.英语翻译,我每天早上六点钟起床,晚上9点半睡觉我很轻松,我每天都要读半小时的英语,每天有七节课,4点半至5点半是体育活动的时间,晚饭后散步,7点半到9点做作业 I get up at six everyday and go to bed at half past nine in the eveing.So I feel relaxed.I read for half an hour everyday.I have seven classes every day.It is sports time from 4:30 to 5:30in the afternoon.I usually take a walk after dinner and I do my homework from 7:30 to 9:00 in the evening.英语翻译 I'm going to get up late this weekend,for I'll have a lot of time that day.After having breakfast,I am going to play computer games in the morning and play basketball in the afternoon.I plan to have dinner at 5 p.m.,and after dinner,I'm going to watch TV for a while and go to sleep at 9.今天我打算下午1点到3点出去学习英语 用英语翻译 I plan to go out to study from 1 to 3 this afternoon.英语翻译 Mtdad reads newspaper at nine everydayThey don‘t plan to fly to London next weekDid they move to Beijing five years ago?When were you in Nannjing
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