一场暴风雪的作文 求英语作文两篇


我要一篇有关暴风雪的英语作文,要6年级的水准. It started snowing late yesterday evening.The snow lasted the whole night with strong wind.When i woke up early this morning i found everything outside was covered with snow.Snow is frozen water that falls from the sky.All snow flakes have six sides,but no two snow flakes are the same.Snow is good for winter wheat.It can protect the wheat from the coldness.People can go skiing after heavy snow.But too much snow can affect the traffic.Whe the snow melts and the streets are covered with ice it is dangerous for us to drive or walk on the streets.We should be careful to drive after the snow.关于暴风雪的作文120字 暴风雪暴风雪就是这样,惨白的肌肤里散发着冰冷的气息,那是令人窒息的气味,是让人汗毛直悚的气味,他板着面孔,毫不留一点情面,只是愤怒地呼啸着,狂吠着,喷出一股股冰冷的,接连不断的白色血液,这血液一落到地上便沸腾了,聚在一起,铺就了一条雪白的,厚实的新陆地.这雪,涌动着,吞没了车辆的来往,吞没了城市的繁华,吞没了行人的出行…这雪,咆哮着,压倒坚硬的墙壁,压倒了树木的脊梁,压倒了劲草的身躯…这雪,冷酷无情,重书“考验”.那场暴风雪作文600字 半上午,天就开始发暗,几片乌云飘到了正空,呼地把太阳盖住了,太阳只是无力挣扎了几下就被“黑暗”笼罩住了。顿时,天变得阴沉沉的,刮起了风,“呼—呼—”树枝软弱地摆动着,车库上的塑料布哗哗作响,街上,尘土纸片一起飞上了天空,冷嗖嗖的风刮来,人们拉紧羽绒服往家赶,广场上老人小孩做操玩耍的身影一晃也不见了,大家都知道,一场暴风雪即将来临。不一会儿,天空飘起了雪花,不太大,在风中像一只只迷途的蝴蝶漫无目的的飞舞,一片又一片“摔”在地上·突然,一阵大风,雪越来越大了,大片大片的雪花从天空中落下,风也急了,越刮越猛,把雪花刮的横飞起来,到处白白的一片。风刮到哪儿,那儿积住的雪就像浪一样一波一波地荡开,就像一片大海上刮着台风。“呼—呼—”不一会儿,风渐渐小了下来,但雪却没有停的迹象,反而更大了,到处朦胧一片,整个世界想撒上了白糖,伸出手看不清手指。雪还是那么到处飞舞,飘到这边又飘到那边,就这样又无聊的下了两个多小时,才渐渐的小了,像是给这银装素裹的世界进行最后一层加工,慢慢地,慢慢地停了下来。下午,乌云也知趣地走了,几篇软绵绵的云彩飘到了太阳旁边,阳光透过云层,照在白茫茫的大地上,反射出银色。写一篇关于暴风雪的作文 今年的雪,来得格外早,也许跟丢了冬天的脚步,径自赶来了.不速之客的降临,让城市变得来者不善,朦胧了,朦胧了,城市蒙上素纱,素纱蒙着一切.红日嫣然一笑,衣袖遮住面庞,黯然消逝…没有布告,没有昭示,就这样毫无顾忌的来.关于暴风雪的英语作文 This year the snow is really surprising,even under such a long period.I look forward to a first from the arrival of snow,and this snow has become obnoxious.Now the snow has not as happy as a child.Fear of travel inconvenient,fear Caijie will rise.Never romantic mood to enjoy the dance of winter flying the Wizard.Yesterday,we Sa Mandaijie braved the storm to turn,at the gates of formation of snowman,the snow feelings Different customs.That afternoon,we walk the thick snow and walk to parks Taxuexinmei Linghu.Park scenery is very beautiful,clean.A land of purity,both static Molai to escape all the troubles missing…We walked all the way,see the roadside shops erected many Snowman,Snowman different demeanor,different expressions,buildsits delight of the owner and Jiangxinduju.See on the TV news from the snowstorm are:stranded in railway stations,bus stops to beat the migrant workers to return home in the crowded waiting room,plant Kuimei,stranded on the highway in the world 。暴风雪越来越猛,刮得羊群像棉花团似的滚动着。今天小编就来分享有关暴风雪的作文,请各位读者好好欣赏和借鉴。有关暴风雪的作文(一)学校终于放假了,欢乐的春节也快到了,。这场暴风雪作文 到现在,全国都被恶劣天气袭击,暴雨、暴雪、冻雨等,导致许多地方大面积停电,交通中断,害得我们的旅游计划也泡汤了。我和妈妈看新闻,上面说:“这次灾害性天气是世界性。求英语作文两篇 第一篇:Last year Dec.23rd,a snowstrm hit Beijing.After looking outside the window,Mr.Wang told us go home.The weather was terrible,what's worse,Lily's umbrella was lost.She walked slowly to the b.书面作文:假设一场暴风雪袭击了你所在的城市,请根据要点提示并发挥想象,写一篇80词左右的短文.(已 Last Friday morning,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon.yeah.it's begins。just a while,all the buildings in.来位英语高手帮忙写篇作文! 作文就要自己写,不然你以后就不知道怎么写可


