语言学能的定义是什么? 一般是认知能力对语言学习发生一定的作用,但往往出现这样的情况:有的学生其他科目学得很好,但学外语却十分吃力。这说明第二语言习得需要一些特殊的素质。这种学习第二语言所需要的特殊认知素质叫做第二语言学习的能力倾向,也称语言学能(laguage aptitude)。
语言学中哪些概念并不科学? interference or contamination from genetically unrelated forms,dialect mixture—or of course it is always possible that the forms inquestion were never co-。
英语语言学概念问题 1·the connections that create a meaningful interpretation of texts2.recursiveness of language could be defined as the reiteration or the embedded state of the same frames and elements in the structures of language as well as in the process of utterance generation.3.A pair of sound sequences identical in every way except for one sound segment occurring in the same place in the strings4.