噪声分析用英语怎么说 对噪声的分析翻译


求XX市城区噪声污染现状分析及其防治措施的英文翻译,高手来。标题:XX市城区噪声污染现状分析及其防治措施 求手工英文翻译,把这个标题用英文翻译下,急急急。。

英语翻译 总体感觉你的摘要写的很不错,但在说明论文的结构与贡献的时候没有体现出层次感,有点混乱.建议改为:“通过进行压缩机噪声源识别,建立了噪声因素体系,并预测与评价了噪声对环境影响;研究分析了对压缩机噪声控制技术和降噪装置、工艺设计,并进行了相应的系统设计;最后,提出了天然气压缩机的降噪方案.”个人的建议,仅供参考O(∩_∩)O~参考译文如下:The total sound pressure in the compressor workshop of the natural gas compressor station is above 105dB(A).In the air cold area,the noise index produced by each air cooler is higer than 85dB(A).The sound eliminator on the engines of the compressor unit engines are closed to each other,directly resulting the noise limit of the workshop exceeds the noise standard.The strong noise produced by running compressors does great harm to production,the regular life and work and physical and psychological health of emolyees and local residents,and the security of surrounding buildings.The formation mechanism,transmission laws and route of compressor noise,and the research of 。

求XX市城区噪声污染现状分析及其防治措施的英文翻译,高手来。 匿名用户 1级 XX市城区噪声污染现状分析及其防治措施 the analysis of the current situation of noise pollution in XXX city and the Preventing Countermeasures 参考 。


