翻译成英语:“以崭新的面貌迎接人们的到来” To welcome others with a brand-new appearance.这里的崭新我认为用brand-new比较好,而“面貌”可以用“形象”appearance来代替.\ I'd like to have a rest and meet tomorrow's arrival.would like to do sth想要做某事。【第二个动词不定式前面省略to】英语翻译 meet the New Year's arrival希望能够帮到楼主迎接节日的到来 英语如何说 Welcome the arrival of the festival欢迎你的到来(译成英语) Welcome。如果直译的话,就是2113:welcome your coming重点词汇欢迎welcome;greet;favourably[well]receive;aloha;ave interj到来5261arrival;advent;set in扩展资料列句:1.无论4102你是来学习的,还是你来交1653朋友的,我们都欢迎你的到来。You are welcome whatever you come for studying or making friends.2.今晚我们将举行一次小晚宴以欢迎你的到来。We will have a welcome dinner for your coming tonight.3.我们真诚欢迎你的到来,并期待更好的下一次。Sincerely welcome your arrival,and look forward to better communication atthe next time.4.首先欢迎你的到来,希望你在这里过得愉快。At first,I should say welcome to your coming,and hope you will have a goodtime.5.天空上的城市欢迎你的到来!Welcome to the City in the Sky。英语翻译 2008 is comeing,and we are about to usher in the new session of the arrival of the Olympic Games.Greece from the first session of the Olympic Games has already begun the first of the 29th Olympic Games.However,this session of the Olympic Games for China,the Chinese people a sense is remarkable.Because this Olympiad will be in the capital of China-Beijing held.Every one of us should carry forward the Olympic spirit:faster,higher and stronger.Let each one to China to attend the Olympic Games athletes have to remember deep in China at the Beijing Olympics。你怎样迎接节日的到来. How do you greet the arrival of the festival.
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