液态空气的汽化问题 肯定不是按照原空气比例挥发,应该是氮气先气化.至于氮气是不是全部气化完才轮到氧气气化,不好说.关于最后一个问题,按照常理是这样的,不过氧气浓度稍大或者稍小一些也不要紧的.
水的汽化热是多少呢? 水的汽化热为40.8千焦2113/摩尔,5261相当于2260千焦/千克。一般地:使水在其沸点蒸发所需4102要的热量五倍于把等量1653水从1℃加热到100℃所需要的热量。汽化热是一个物质的物理性质。其定义为:在标准大气压(101.325 kPa)下,使一摩尔物质在一定温度下蒸发所需要的热量,对于一种物质其为温度的函数。
英语翻译 Electric fans can cause the air to flow faster,a human body will sweat when it's hot,and the sweat can evaporate faster under the effect of wind.Evaporation has evaporation heat,and it can take away a huge quantity of heat.At the same time,the speedy flow of air causes it to circulate,will can also take away a lot of heat.This way,it can lower the temperature.