我喝完水了英语翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 1 He often stays at home on holidays.2 I have already finished my homework.3Have you put up the suitcase?4 I have eaten some lettuce.5 Hans haven‘t ate breakfast.6 Did you eat chicken?7 Carrol has d.

英语翻译 1 drink drink not over words,do not pour out2 Please put the cup inside out all the water out/half/out one of the three points3 you give me rice/soup too much,I eat/drink not over 4 you give me m.

英语翻译 你好,上次为你翻译的神秘地失踪了.1 饮料喝不完的话,不要倒掉Do not throw away the unfinished beverage/drink.Do not ditch the the beverage/drink that's left.(俚)If there's any beverage/drink left,don't throw it out.(这个最好)2 请把杯子里面的水 全部倒掉/倒掉一半/倒掉3分之一Please throw out(all of/half of/one third of)the water that's in the cup.3 你给我盛的 饭/汤 太多了,我吃不完/喝不完You gave me too much rice/soup.I can't finish it.4 你给我盛的 饭/汤 太少了,不够 吃/喝You gave me too little rice/soup.It isn't enough for me.5 饭菜凉了,我去给你热一下The rice/soup is cold.I'll warm/heat it up for you.6 外面刮大风了,非常冷,还是穿上你的外套吧It's very windy and cold outside.Best to put on your coat.7 那个老爷爷每天都接送他的孙子上下学Everyday the old man/gentleman takes his grandson to school and brings him home.希望帮到了你,满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢.


